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Ministry of Interior of the Slovak republic


of the members of the Police Force or members of the Corps of Prison and Court Guard


This form is a tool for communication between the Bureau of the Inspection Service and the public and it serves for submitting the information about the unlawful acting of members of the Police Force or membersof the Corps of Prison and Court Guard. This is the way in which we would like to obtain all the relevant and valuable information related to the lawless performance of the Police Force and the Corps of Prison and Court Guard from the citizens. Such information will assist us in our daily work, which means the expulsion of persons, who intentionally breach the law, from the Police Force and the Corps of Prison and Court Guard.

Electronic Form

Description of the event:
City, street or other description of  the place
 Date and time:
Description of suspects:
Name, Police Personal Number, license number plate or other things that can help to identify the subject
Notifies (not necessary to fill out - see the instructions):
Name, surname, contact address, telephone number or email